The Basque experience in Thailand


How can we really build social innovation platforms in conflict areas?
Does it really help with the socio-economic development for the people?

Thailand Social Innovation Platform under UNDP Thailand invites you to join the public talk on “How to Build Social Innovation Platforms in Conflict Areas: The Basque Experience” by Gorka Espiau – social innovation, conflict management, and sustainable human development specialist, and a Senior Fellow at the Agirre Lehendakaria Center for Social and Political Studies (ALC )

Gorka Espiau will share his experience and lessons learned from the Basque case, where people were suffering a profound economic collapse, the highest
unemployment rates in Southern Europe and an international image associated to violent conflict. Despite these challenges, today the Basque Country holds leading positions in healthcare, education and income per capita.

Free! Limited Seat Only
Date: 20 September 2019
Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: Auditorium, 2 Fl., TCDC Bangkok

Register here:
*The talk will be in English with spontaneous Thai translators.

#RespectDifferences #EmbraceDiversity #PreventingViolentExtremism #PeaceInnovation #PeaceBuilding #SDG #SocialInnovationPlatform

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