El trabajo que queremos. Innovación social en Perú

https---cdn.evbuc.com-images-52749875-280669374422-1-original.jpgLa Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa”, la Fundación Entreculturas, la Asociación Fe y Alegría del Perú y la Universidad Antonio Ruiz, presentarán el programa Work4Progress el próximo día 28 de noviembre en Lima. Será un honor presentar el marco teórico sobre el que se ha construido este programa y seguir aprendiendo del trabajo de la Plataforma sobre el terreno. Estos son los detalles del evento,

Programa evento W4P 17Nov.jpg

Nazio-markagintza. Nola transmititu gure balioa

fullsizeoutput_48fAbenduaren 5ean 13:30etan ,@Naroagarazi  eta laurok Nazio Markagintzari buruzko liburua aurkeztuko dugu Durangoko Azokan. Liburu honek nazio-marka eta nazio-markagintzaren aferari ertz eta ikuspegi ezberdinetatik heltzen dio. Mapa berriak ulertzeko eta gure balio eta interesen arabera bertan kokatzeko hainbat gako zein baliabide eta hausnarketarako galdera eskaintzen ditu. Izenaz, ikurrez, ereserkiez edo logotipoez erantzunak espero badituzu, hau ez da zure liburua. Lan honek ez du zer garen edo izan behar dugun definitzen, hori euskal herritarroi eta eragileei dagokigun ariketa da. Liburuaren helburua lurralde berri batean sartzen hasteko koordenatu batzuk ematea da; XXI. mendeko joko-zelaian gure balioa transmititu, egituratu eta ikusgarri eta erakargarria egiteko laguntza eskaintzea hain zuzen ere. Gurekin, edo gu gabe, mundua aurrera doa. Korronteak gu eraman gaitzan utziko dugu, edo nahi eta behar dugun lekura ailegatzeko igeri egingo dugu… Bagara, gauza ederrak egiten ditugu, eta merezi dugu, sinetsi eta erakutsi dezagun beraz…fullsizeoutput_5ff

Beyond Imagination. A Social Innovation Europe


Social Innovation Community has organized a final event named “Beyond Imagination: A socially innovative Europe” that will be held on 12-13 November in Seville, Spain. Together, we will celebrate the achievements of the past decade, imagine the way a new future for a socially innovative Europe, and develop practical ways to achieve this new future together. Key questions to be explored including:

  • What does it take to design the future we want?
  • How can we use more experimentation and participatory learning approaches?
  • What is the role of research and technology in Social Innovation?
  • How the #SIDeclaration can influence future policy?
  • How do we need to work differently in order to tackle the challenges ahead?

This is the agenda for the second day, when I will be discussing with really interesting colleagues about the need for better impact:


0830 | Registration

0900 | Turning imagination into reality

  • Justyna Król, Urban Workshop, Poland
  • Martha Giannakopoulou Architect (Urban Design) / Urban Consultant Athens Municipality, Greece

0930 | Introducing the #SIDeclaration    Led by Nesta

  • Agnes Hubert, G5+, Belgium
  • Phil Martin, European Commission, Belgium
  • Marija Babovic, EAPN, Serbia
  • Luigi Martignetti, REVES, Belgium

1015 | Refreshment break

1045 | From reimagining the future to co-creating it

Parallel breakout sessions interrogating the #SIDeclaration

As part of Europe’s social innovation community, what role do participants have in realising the vision set out in the #SIDeclaration

  • Growing the visibility and impact of Europe’s social innovation community
  • Realising the power of social innovation in driving Local and Urban Development
  • Public sector as a key enabler of social innovation
  • Research as a critical driver of social innovation transformation
  • Funding and investing social innovation projects, services and products
  • Harnessing the digital revolution for social innovation

1215 | Refreshment break

1245 | Reconnecting the silos

1315 | Why are still not making the impact we need? What is getting in the way                       – Final provocation

1415 | SIC Final Remarks

1430 | Programme ends