How do we incubate social Innovation in Europe?

Social Innovation Europe will celebrate the first workshop on social incubators this week. Hopefully, more ambitious collaboration proposals with the Commission will emerge and current initiatives will be able to generate a real European eco-system for nurturing large scale social innovation projects.

Pluja Seca at Geneva Human Rights Film Festival

10th Edition of the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights, Geneva (FIFDH).
« ETA’s reconciliation:a game of Basque pelota ». Monday 5th March 2012, 8.30 pm. Place: Salle Alhambra. 10, rue de la Rôtisserie, 1204 Genève

FILM: « Pluja seca » de Gorka Espiau. DEBATE. Panelists: Gorka Espiau, basque film-maker,Gorka Landaburu, Basque journalist, victim of ETA, Pierre Hazan, member of the International Contact Group (IGC) for the conflict in the Basque country and lecturer at the University of Geneva, Joxean Agirre, Former ETA prisoner and member of the Abertzale left, Angeles Escriva, Chief Editor, El Mundo.Moderation: Marc Decrey, radio journalist, RTS (RSR)