Improving the way we die

The Saiatu project has been piloting a new way of complementing medical palliative care with “intensive in home special social support” during the last 3 years in the Basque region of Northern Spain. The first documented results of this new way of supporting patients and their families during the last phase of their lives are very promising but we are not the only ones testing and documenting these new way of doing things. The Nuffield Trust has recently presented a well documented report that proves the same type of results: “the research further deepens our understanding of the substitution effect between health and social care services – information which is crucial to the effective commissioning of both sets of services, particularly during a period of financial austerity.”

The Saiatu project is also conducting a new survey to document the impact on quality and cost savings taking a larger group of families that are receiving this new complementary service in order to compare the results with those who only have access to the sanitary palliative care services. If the results prove to be as spectacular as Nuffield Trust´s report suggest, this new type of “in home specialized social support during the last phase of life” has the potential to change the way we dye in western countries.

The Saiatu project will be presented in London on 13 November with the participation of Euclid Network, the European Public Health Agency, EU DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Nesta, Bilbao Social Innovation Park, Bioef, Kutxa Bank, and many others.

Will social innovation save Spain?

In the face of economic uncertainty in Spain, will social innovation provide the solution? Looking to the role of government, business or civil society in fostering social innovation, the panel of speakers will collaboratively explore the developments across the country. Make sure to attend the HUB Debate on the 12th of November at 7 – 9.30 pm at the HUB Islington(London).

TV3 estrena Parlen Els Ulls

TV3 estrena “Parlen els ulls”, un documental que muestra la magia del diálogo para acercar las posiciones más alejadas tras el fin de ETA.

Todas las sensibilidades políticas tienen su relato sobre el fin de ETA, pero no existe diálogo entre ellas. Cada una trata de convertir su forma de interpretar lo sucedido en la historia verdadera. Este documental trata de romper esta espiral de incomunicación a través del diálogo entre 6 relatos diferentes sobre el pasado y el futuro de la sociedad vasca en el caserío Zabalgana del museo Txillida.

El documental está protagonizado por dos víctimas del terrorismo(Rosa Rodero y Javi Asla), un miembro de ETA que ha pasado más de 18 años en prisión por delitos de sangre (Joxean Agirre), la hija de un médico fallecido tras recibir malos tratos (Tamara Muruetagoiena), una vocal del Consejo General del Poder Judical (Margarita Robles) y el ex-Director de Derechos Humanos del Gobierno Vasco (Jon Mirena Landa)

“Parlen els ulls” ofrece una fotografía con matices de la realidad vasca un año después del anuncio de ETA. Luces y sombras que nos permitan aspirar a un futuro relato compartido. ¿Viviremos una petición pública de perdón por el daño causado? ¿qué pasará con los más de 700 presos de ETA? ¿cómo debería abordarse el proceso de reconciliación? Cada uno expone su relato, escucha, discute… y surge la magia en el momento más inesperado.

Hiriko takes Berlin

As Lehonard Cohen said,” if they take Manhattan, then we take Berlin”. This is a picture of the Hiriko Fold at the main Berlin train station. Just in front of the German Parliament and Merkel’s official residence. Thank you DB and Innoz for believing in this project. It was just 2 years ago when wen came with our MIT colleagues to present the half scale prototype.


Strengthening the Role of Nations and Regions in the Recovery Strategy

The Greens/European Free Alliance has invited me to participate in this panel during the Open Days in Brussels:
EVENT Strengthening the Role of Nations and Regions in the Recovery Strategy
DATE 9 October 2012 from 09:00 to 10:45
PLACE Room: VM1 – Committee of the Regions
Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101

Draft Agenda
Registration from 8.15 am – 8.45 am
09h00 Introduction by moderator: Mr Stewart Maxwell, MSP, Vice President of the EA Group
Mr Keith Brown, Minister for Housing and Transport, Scottish Government
Prof. Koenraad Debackere, Professor and General Manager, KULeuven
Mrs Jill Evans, MEP, President of EFA Group
Mr Gorka Espiau Idoiaga, Head of International Programmes at Innovalab
Debate with participants