Kooperatibagintza eta eraldaketa soziala

Ekainak 10erako LANKI Ikertegiak (Mondragon Unibertsitatea) antolatu du ‘KooperatibagintzanTopaketa IV: Kooperatibagintza eta eraldaketa soziala’.

IV Topaketa triptikoa eus-gazt
Ondokoa da egitaraua:

· 9:00 Ongi etorria. Bixente Atxa Uribe (MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEAko Errektorea)
· 9:15 Kokapena: Eraldaketa soziala Arrasateko Kooperatiba Esperientzian. Aitzol Loyola Idiakez (LANKI Ikertegia—MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA)
· 09:45 Lurraldeari atxikitako esperientzia sozioekonomikoak:

1.Ipar Euskal Herria– Xabier Itcaina (Sciences Po Bordeaux)

2. Bartzelonako Sants Auzoa– Elba Mansilla (LaCiutat Invisible).

3. Ipar Irlanda eraldatzen– Gorka Espiau (Young Foundation).

4.Ekonomia Soziala Quebecen—Enekoitz Etxezarreta (Gezki– EHU)

· 11:30Atsedenaldia
· 12:00 Talde dinamika
· 13:30 Itxiera hitzaldia: Igor Ortega Sunsundegi (LANKI Ikertegia—MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA)

Ekitaldi irekia da kooperatiba zein bestelako eragilerentzat. Beraz, eskertuko genizuke gonbidapena zabaltzea zure inguruan gai honetan interesa izan dezaketen kideen artean.
Izena emateko azken eguna: ekainak 3 izango da. Ekitaldira etortzeko asmoa baduzu, izena eman beharko duzu email bat idatziz (akareaga@mondragon.edu).  Aforo mugatua izango da eta izen emate ordena errespetatuko da.
Eguna: Ekainak 10
Lekua: Eskoriatzako HUHEZI Fakultatea
Ordutegia: 9:00-14:00

Listen deeply and tread lightly

Dawn Austwick, Chief Executive of the Big Lottery Fund, last week presented The Future of Doing Good in the UK report to a very interesting and challenging audience of philanthropic institutions, third sector leaders, research institutions and public bodies. Written by Sonia Sodha, Chief Leader Writer at the Observer, the report aims to spark conversations across civil society about how people and communities can be best supported to achieve remarkable things in a rapidly changing context.

The report is very relevant for us as it refers to The Young Foundation’s powered Amplify Northern Ireland programme as an “innovative approach to the state taking a liberal interpretation of what it means to do good at the expense of other notions of doing good”. Sonia Sodha understands that Amplify Northern Ireland (and in our opinion Amplify Leeds, Sheffield and Amplify Cymru) “seeks to involve communities much more in defining the vision for what would improve lives. Amplify has aimed to build a movement of people to create positive social change.”Screen Shot 2014-09-03 at 11.36.00

Applying a movement-building approach to place-based transformation contributes to reframing the way social innovation speaks. All voices matter, power relations become more democratic and complex, and ambiguity and failure are experienced as a natural components of the journey.

The nuances of local cultural contexts needs to be merged with evidence-based social innovation practices but only “deep listening and treading lightly” can provide to local challenges the possibility to be positively merged with local aspirations and tangible actions.

We are convinced that Amplifying existing and new solutions under a common transformational narrative provides more positive and tangible results than traditional methodologies. By integrating and amplifying local innovations under a social movement, we are also better positioned to foster systemic responses that will address the structural causes of inequality.